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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute




Your student ID is access to databases. 


Students who need help getting into the library database, and if you have a student ID older than 2018, please come to the library for an alternative ID to log in.





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SIPI Library exists to support the educational goals of SIPI constituents by providing relevant information resources. SIPI Library's online catalog can be accessed here.


The SIPI Library is available to all enrolled students and other SIPI affiliates. Its collection includes approximately 20,000 book titles, about 100 journal titles, and other periodicals for recreational reading. 


SIPI Library also subscribes to numerous electronic databases to access national newspapers, academic journals, and eBooks. The SIPI Library offers said services to students, faculty, and staff. The following are the primary services provided:


      • Information Literacy Instruction
      • Reference Services (finding materials)
      • Study areas
      • 15 computers and 1 scanner are available for student use.





The Student will be able to:


      • Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge to develop a research approach that produces results or can be modified to produce results.
      • Assess the value of an information source to make an informed decision about the appropriateness of its use.
      • Interpret and analyze the research process results to use the information appropriately and ethically.





SIPI Library will advance quality student learning by providing access to resources, collaborating on information literacy instruction, and administering related academic information services to support the curricula.





      • Develop a culture of continuous improvement through ongoing assessment of library services.
      • Provide physical and digital academic resources that advance research and education.
      • Build collaborations to support faculty, staff, and student scholarship.
      • Teach the SIPI community to be influential users and producers of information to meet their academic needs and in preparation for a lifetime of learning.
      • Disseminate the library's resources and services to the SIPI community.








Mon - Thurs | 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri | 8:30 AM - 4:45 PM

*Subject to change





Your student ID is access to databases. If you have a student ID older than 2018, please email to get an assigned ID.



Kanopy provides students access to one of the largest collections of films in the world.


Credo's Reference

Provides full-text online access to hundreds of multidisciplinary reference book collections.


America News

NewsBank’s electronic edition of your local news provides your community with up-to-date and archived information in a convenient, easy-to-use online resource.



Provides a highly selected digital library for various disciplines. (Search for "Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute" for access.)



Provides access to academic journals, eBooks, literary, and history reference.


The Chronicle of Higher Education

A newspaper and website that presents news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty and student affairs professional.

SIPI Cengage Unlimited Dashboard

Access to specific course materials and eBooks, students can access.