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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute



Dial 911

Please provide:

  • Nature of emergency
  • Exact location (specify campus)
  • Your name, location and telephone number
  • Stay on the line for directions


Agora Crisis Center: 505-277-3013

Suicide Prevention Hotline-Thrive: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

Call any of the following:


SIPI Campus                                                                                         
SIPI Twelve Feather's Counseling Services: 505-346-2371   First Nations Counseling Services: 505-346-2331
IHS/SIPI Dental Clinic: 505-346-2306


Off SIPI Campus Services
Indian Health Services: 505-248-4065

First Nations Main Clinic: 505-262-0625


The key element to campus safety is preparedness, which leads to awareness. Your safety and well being are important to us!









If you want to report a crime or want more information, please contact:

(505) 346-2323




The Mission of the SIPI Safety and Security Department is to create an atmosphere of academic excellence and student support services by providing a safe and secure environment.






The Vision of the SIPI Safety and Security Department is to create an atmosphere free of unnecessary distractions by building the level of trust and respect that is conducive to living and learning on a college campus.