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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute


The SIPI Board of Regents serves as the official representative group for the college and has significant roles in both advisory and policy making for the college. Working closely with the SIPI President, the Board strives to develop a working relationship to enable shared governance with administration, faculty, staff, and students. This eleven-member board are representatives appointed by their respective tribal entities and includes the Student Government Association President, as well as SIPI's President Emeritus. In 1974, the BOR incorporated in the State of New Mexico and the following year received IRS determination as a Non-Profit Organization under Section 501(c)(3).


The Board of Regents has an office in the SIPI Administration Building (Building 106). This office houses various grant programs that support the mission of SIPI.



Q1 Meeting Agenda:


Current Regents

Adam J. Begaye


Navajo Nation (New Mexico)


Tanya Lewis

Vice Chair

Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona (North)


Esther Peterson


Navajo Nation (Arizona)


Dr. John Bush

Board Member

Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona (South) 


Alfred LaPaz

Board Member

Mescalero Apache Tribe


Pablita Chavez

Board Member

President | SIPI Student Government Assoc.


Francis Tafoya

Board Member

Eight Northern Pueblos


Donna Montoya

Board Member

Jacarilla Apache Nation


Raymond Gachupin

Board Member

Southern Pueblos Council 


Tim Harjo

Board Member

SIPI Alumnus



*Board members are tribally appointed and represent the primary tribes served by SIPI.




Board Member

Oklahoma Tribes



Board of Regents Staff

Bobby Wallace

Executive Director

SIPI Board of Regents

(505) 922-6512

[email protected]


Michelle Garcia

Internship Coordinator

SIPI Board of Regents

(505) 792-2764


Laura Garcia

Administrative Assistant

SIPI Board of Regents

(505) 792-5764

[email protected]